Now enrolling for the 24-25 school year! Call the school today at: (810)982-7906 ext. 106 or fill out our enrollment inquiry form below. Enroll before June 7th to save $100 on registration!

Special attention is given to the individuality of each student during these early years of growth and childhood development. At the same time that a focus on individuals is emphasized, a child’s important place in the Body of Christ also is taught.

Solid foundation:

Since the good habits and attitudes formed in these years remain through adulthood, our academy aims to help cultivate honesty, dedication, cheerfulness, reverence and perseverance, especially at these young tender ages.
Academic focus

Excellence in reading and writing are a priority, with a phonics-based language arts program that builds strong reading skills in kindergarten. Hence, lifelong learners, mindful of their God given gifts and talents they want to give back to the world, are born.

What they’ll learn:
Common Core Standards